Chmod 0666

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chmod 666

chmod 666  So chmod 666 doesn't mean anyone is going to hell , just means that all users have both read and write access Tip: 421 Buy chmod 666 - LinuxUnix Sysadmin White Parody Design by geeksta as a Essential T-Shirt

In this post, we will show you how to use chmod command in Linux to change the access permissions of files and directories chmod 666  chmod 640 -rw-rw-rw- john john 171 May 7 21:00 # This is chmod 666 drwxr-xr-x john john 4096 Jan 1 21:00 folder1 # This is chmod

* 75 bytes * chmod 666 etcshadow * !!!!! ENCRIPTADA !!!!! * * Para mas informacion * Descargue ProjectsJempiScodes Chmod 666 666 means read and write access for everyone When you perform chmod 666 filename command you allow everyone to read and write to the file

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